Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Troisier sign or Virchow node


Did you notice anything abnormal in this image?

Yes, this is what is called as Troisier sign or Virchow's lymph node in supraclavicular region. Virchow's node,  was first described by German pathologist Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow in 1848 as a sign of metastatic malignancy, commonly from gastric cancer. This has also beed referred to as "Troisier sign" described as an enlarged palpable left supraclavicular node following Charles-Emile Troisier's work.

This patient visited our OPD with symptom of backache, on examination patient had Virchow's node and spine MRI was suggestive of multiple lesions suspected of metastasis or lymphoma.

The patient underwent FNAC of the swelling followed by excision biopsy which was suggestive of Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin's Lymphoma, on IHC, positive for CD20/ PAX-5/OCT-2/ BOB-1(dim) and negative for CD15/ CD30/LMP-1.