Monday, March 15, 2010

Community Medicine- Vital Statistics

1) 200 S.T.D. patients studied in 1997 at C.G. Hospital, Davangere.

Literacy status No. of patients

Illiterate 66

Primary school 25

Secondary school 71

Metric and above 38


Construct a bar diagram :

2) The censure population of a district in 1981 and 1991 were 20,00,000 and 26,00,000 respectively. Calculate

a) MVP of 1989

b) What is the present growth rate of India ?


Mid year population can be calculated with the formula

P = P1 + d +

P = P1 + d +

P = 20,00,000

20,00,000 + x

= 20,00,000 + 50,00,000


MVP of 1989 : 25,00,000

Present growth risk of index is 1.76



P1 = Population of 1981 – 20,00,000

P2 = Population of 1991 = 26,00,000

n = Difference between 1981- 1991 =10

d=value near to p value to calculate

3) Following are the vital data available for city for the year 1991.

• Mid year population : 70,000

• Total number of deaths : 1,050

• Total number of live births : 3,500

• Total number of infant deaths : 300

• No. of maternal deaths : 15

• No. of deaths within 28 days afterbirth : 200

Calculate all possible vital rates of the city ?

Compare with the national figures and comment ?


Crude BIMS rate x 1000

= x 1000

CBR = 50

National figure (245)

Death rate : x 1000

= x 1000


Crude death rate15

National figure (9.0)

Growth rate : BR-DR

= 50 – 15

= 35/1000 population

= 3.5% national figure (1.89%).

Maternal mortality rate = x 1000

= x 1000 =

= 14.2 / 1000 live births.

National figure 4.0

Infant mortality rate = x 1000

= x 1000

= 285.7 / 1000 live births

National figure 68/1000 live births

Neonatal mortality rate = x 1000

= 199 / 1000 live births

National figure 67/1000 live births.

All the figures are higher then the national values MMR, IMR and NRM are grossly high when compared to national standards. Hence MCH services should be upgraded to bring down these values, includes

• Efficient ANC

• Efficient PNC

• Hospital deliveries, safe delivery practices

• Nutritional services under ICDS scheme

• Immunization services for mother

• Family welfare services to reduce the size of family

o To space between uses for better case of infant.

• Immunization services against the vaccine preventable disease

• Other services : Growth monitoring

Oral rehydration therapy

Promotion of breast feeding practices

Improving female literacy

Health education

4) A town has mid year population of 50,000 in 1997. The following vital indices are reported from the town for the year 1997.

Crude birth rate 40

Crude death rate 15

IMR 100


Calculate the total number of births, deaths, infant, deaths and maternal deaths. What is the growth rate of the town ?


Crude birth rate = x 1000

40 = x 1000

Total number of births = 2000

Total deaths = = 750

IMR = x1000

100 = x1000

Total infant deaths = = 200

Total maternal deaths = = 10

Growth rate of the town

= 40 – 15 / 1000

= 35 / 1000

= 3.5%

5) The following vital informations from 2villages the given below vital information.

Vital information Shamanur Avaragere

MVP 5000 4000

Total number of deaths 60 55

Total number of live births 135 100

No. of deaths of infects 15 10

No. of deaths of mothers directly due to pregnancy and child births 2 2

Calculate the different indices and comment on the results

For shamanur village For – Avaragere

Birth rate = x 1000

= 27/1000

Birth rate = x 1000

= 25/1000

Deaths rate = x 1000

= 12/1000

Deaths rate = x 1000

= 13.7/1000

Growth rate = 27 – 12

= 15 / 1000

= 1.5 % Growth rate = 25 – 13.7

= 11 .3 / 1000

= 1.13 %

IMR = x 1000

111 / 1000 Live births

IMR = x 1000

100 / 1000 Live births

MMR = x 1000

14.8/ 1000 live births

MMR = x 1000

20 / 1000 live births

IMR and MMR in both the villages are high. So the MCH services should be strengthened to bring down these rates.

6) Mid year estimated population - 16,80,000

No. of live births - 47,315

No. of deaths - 21,410

No. of deaths under 1 year of age - 3,974

No. of deaths under 28 days of age - 2431

No. of deaths from TB - 272

Calculate :

1) Crude birth rate

2) Crude death rate

3) Proportional mortality due to TB

4) Infant mortality rate

5) Cause specific death rate (TB)

6) Post neonatal mortality rate

Solution :

1) CBR =

2) CDR =

3) Proportional mortality rate due to TB =

= 1.27%

4) IMR =

= 83.9/1000 lb.

5) Cause specific death rate (TB)

6) Post neonatal mortality rate :

7) A town has a MVP of 50,000. The following vital indices are reported from the town for the year 1999.

Crude birth rate – 28

Crude death rate – 10

Infant mortality rate – 66

Maternal mortality rate – 3.2

Calculate the total No. of births, deaths, infant and maternal deaths that has occurred during 1999 in the town. What is the growth rate for the town population ?

Solution :

1) CBR

Total No. of births

2) CDR

Total No. of deaths

3) Infant mortality rate

No. of infant deaths

4) Maternal mortality rate

Maternal death

5) Growth rate = BR – DR

= 28-10 = 18

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